Thursday, February 1, 2007

Surge protector

Nothing memorable happened during my two years in the inactive reserve. The only thing I remember is the letter saying it was over.

Times have changed.

Stop Loss programs, calling up the inactive reserve, the military is trying everything to maximize their resources. Tours are being extended, some not for the first time. Now with the surge -- ridiculous word, why not say increase -- they are forced to squeeze every hour and every day out of the available soldiers.


Updated for the new millenium, but there it is. We can't get out because we're in. Sure, Saddam feared the fundamentalists as much as we did, but they're in Iraq now, so we can't pull out. Meanwhile, hundreds of Milo Minderbenders have scurried off with boxfuls of cash that were meant for reconstruction.

Read the book, watch the movie if you're too lazy. I wouldn't recommend the made for TV version.

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