Thursday, February 15, 2007

anna nicole smith and the Rapture

There, I've said it too. I only had a few minutes and was looking for cheap entertainment, so I googled on anna nicole smith about nine hours ago. Wow, 'about 66,600,000'. I'm not making this up; I cut-and-pasted the numbers. If you believe in the Rapture, you'd better start buying groceries just in case.

about 71,200,000 on Yahoo had 2,228,000
559,929 results from MSN

Just a goof, I figured I'd check back in a few days or a week to how many more results a search would dredge up. Then, in a flash (a dim one because our voltage is low (and no dimbulb jokes please)), I was inspired. If someone searches for 'anna nicole smith' + 'the Rapture', I'll probably be on page one.

Well I think so, in fact I hope so. Even to me, that's strange. I'm going to try it as soon as I finish posting.

Then again, I'll probably get an interesting group of netsurfers. There could be money in this. I'm reminded of the anecdote, which I've never been able to track down, about L Ron Hubbard saying he was tired of getting pennies for his (crappy) Science Fiction novels so he was going to start a religion. Sounds like another job for the
Urban Legends Reference Pages. Yeah, yeah, as soon as I finish posting.

Now, observe the way my mind works. This means I've found a use for those strange titles on my junk email: I'm going to start using them in everything I type. If just one percent of the people making arcane searches actually click through, I've gained hundreds of readers.

Now this is weird. I really wanted a quote I saw, so I went back to Google: 'about 51,100,000'. Obviously the first number was intended for me only. That's too much like finding a picture of the Virgin on my breakfast cereal. BTW 'about 167,000' results for + the Rapture. I'd forgotten about sex, for once.

"Marrying into money was not a good thing for me."
- Anna Nicole Smith

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