Thursday, November 27, 2008

India ink on Mumbai attack

Remember all of the flack Vice President-elect Joe Biden got for suggesting Barack Obama might be challenged by foreign powers early in his term?

How about before he takes office? Having convinced George Bush to over-rule his neo-cons and take it off of the terror list, North Korea is back being its obnoxious self. Russia is threatening to put tactical missiles on the Polish border. That's just off of the top of my head.

Then there's India, where newspapers are suggesting that Pakistani intelligence, or a rogue element of the ISI, is behind the Mumbai terror attacks:
Three Pakistani militants held in Mumbai: Reports,
Pak may be pushing hardened jihadis
and Terrorists may have hijacked Porbander fishing boat.

Pakistan seems to loom large in all of the region's problems.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weekend at Ralph's

Am I the only one who thinks Ralph Nader's latest foray into politics is a bad zombie movie? Weekend at Bernie's was fun, but the remake? Lame and repetitive.

Okay, he can't help looking like he's recovering from a stroke. That doesn't explain the shrill talking points we've heard in his latest reincarnation. Wooden? Yep. Emotionless? Check. Disconnected from reality? You betcha.

Let's see, how could he make himself relevant again? I've got it! How about casting Barack Obama as an Uncle Tom? Perfect! Let's see if his few remaining followers will follow the zombie into the water.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Interests in Iran

President George Bush is thinking about opening an Interests Section in Iran, according to Newsweek. I like it.

Like Richard Nixon going to China, Bush can shrug off the "soft on" label. Barack Obama doesn't need that kind of controversy in his first 100 days, especially after John McCain's unmerciful attacks on his willingness to "sit down" with Iran.

Bush appears to be relying less on his neo-conservative wing (the Dick Cheney fans) as his duck gets lamer. Michael Rubin, one voice from that direction, argues that Iran's hardliners would take advantage of such a move politically. Exactly. Let Bush get the flak from Iran's hardliners too.

An interests section doesn't suggest approval, or even friendliness. We've had an interests section in Havana for years. It just makes it easier for countries to communicate.

Iran already has an interests section in the U.S., in the Pakistani Embassy.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Mr. Smith defends Washington

It's come to this, Shepherd Smith getting a back-pat from The New York Times in an editorial.

Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher probably thought going on Fox News was like a company mountain ball game. Imagine his surprise when Smith brushed him back with a hardball about a vote for Barack Obama being "death to Israel." That wasn't in the script: most Fox newsreaders would let the line lay there and move on to the next attack.

It was pretty good television:

Monday, April 7, 2008


Everything's big in Russia

I guess he asked for a second opinion.
Malaysian Man Gets Double Whammy Divorce (AP)

When they threaten to ream you a new asshole...

Ride rage

I hope the jail's not serving hot dogs

Coincidence? Yeah, just like Demi Moore coming from Roswell.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Are you smarter than the Smithsonian?

A fifth grader caught them in a mistake... and they couldn't spell his name.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sometimes onions make me cry

I Love My Country–Aw, Who Am I Kidding? My Country Can Go Fuck Itself

The Onion

I Love My Country–Aw, Who Am I Kidding? My Country Can Go Fuck Itself

When I look at that grand old flag, waving up there, big and proud in the breeze, my heart swells near to bursting, and a tear forms in my eye...

This just resonated somehow. We've all met this guy, sometimes in the mirror.

Monday, March 10, 2008

No comment

Compacted Dignity wants to save space in crowded graveyards.

Not sick yet? Try medical adoptions

Sorry, I'll go back to real stuff, like Oprah Winfrey's new book selection: The Alien Bible.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Poem in a Viagra email

From Tatlock Oaxaca:

Formed. When this has hardened sufficiently to thou art the
foremost of kshatriyas, and engaged the possession of wealth.
they, however, that in consequence of his greatness, partha
transgresses quoted by mabillon, in the acta sanctorum ordinis
arrows in battle, and causing a great destruction. Began
to waltz. Suddenly, without a moment's warning, resolution
recommending him for president. Later, deal. Take, for instance,
james whitcomb riley, i grew up, people told me how much
better off the hill we descended with extreme rapiditydown,
and thousands upon thousands of kings (that had rescue from
that miserable plight. I have, however, may 16, 1856. Ibid.,
p. 37. Sidenote shannon to his feet that car into the earth,
whereat the.

Amazon it


Is this real?

BIA's Carl Artman (Cartman?) on Indian Casinos again

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bits and Pieces

Before the internet became a black hole of information, I used to keep clippings in a shoebox or two: Man bites dog, or just interesting information. Now it's piling up on my computer, tho I still have scraps of paper everywhere.

I need a new shoebox. Since I'm doing all of my blogging on SOSaipan, this is it. You're welcome to peer over my shoulder, but don't expect too much and don't rag me about it. It's just what I'm running across.

Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan


Another Inconvenient Truth: Al Gore's Web Site Hacked

Bank of America blindsiding cardholders?

Russia launches final satellites for its own GPS

Color changing coat

Friday, February 15, 2008

Wrasse mania

I was suitably impressed when Felix Sasamoto wrassled those fish out of the ocean in January. Two giant tangisons in five days for Felix Saipan Tribune

But no writing, I'd run across an article or two about them being threatened in some places. There's one to avoid, I told myself. It's bound to shake the nuts from the trees. Little did I know.

Surprisingly, much of what I've read has been surprisingly good, particularly the first blog by Mike Tripp. That filled in a lot of gaps.


But now I've just got to hold my nose and dive in. This has gotten way out of hand. Why should people feel free to bug him and his family because of a picture in the newspaper. Sending emails, calling his wife at work?

A little self-righteousness creeps into some of the comments: 'it may be legal but it's a bad idea.' Or, 'he should set a different standard for himself because of where he works.' Huh? Forest rangers can't hunt Bambi? That's a slippery slope once you start down it.

If it's against the law or the regulations it would be different. Maybe they should be stricter. Great. The legislature has been known to amend laws. Petition Fish and Wildlife to amend the regulations, at least for popular dive sites. After what I've learned, I'd sign. As long as you don't mention Mr. Sasamoto. Get MVA on board.

Or we could see what what Sharia law has to say about it. Bad analogy, you'd say. That's a bunch of Islamofascists (fishists?) trying to ram their beliefs down our throats to enforce their religious beliefs outside of the legal system. Hmm.

A wrasse! poor Yorick

But it's such a cute fish. The teddy bear effect, according to Mike. And some people just don't like to be reminded where their food comes from.

A fish-petting zoo would be a Fine Thing. I support anything that would attract tourists. Even call them 'friendly' fish if you like. I don't snicker very loudly, no one will hear. Because that's anthropomorphic nonsense to me. Do they wag their tails?

I don't pretend to understand the fish psyche. Shirley McLaine isn't in my group any more and I can't find a fish psychologist locally, but I'm pretty clear on one thing. Fish don't 'think' like us. Maybe it's the fish equivalent of friendly, or curious, or foreplay, or territorial behaviour. Maybe because of fish-itch and no arms to scratch. Maybe neoprene tastes good. Maybe it's just operant conditioning. B.F. Skinner was right about some things.

I've even seen it suggested that it would be all right if he's poor, but not if he didn't really need the money. Really. I'd like to see that regulation: b) for those making between $10,000 and $20,000, the following species are allowed... Why not. Governments are good at that sort of thing.

How about better enforcement of the current rules? That's not a bad idea, and it came from Mr. Sasamoto.

He's caught his fish, he's caught flak. Now, let him catch a break.

The rest is silence

I can't be the only one who smelled something, well, fishy in the stories about that man drowning Thursday. Jumping off of the rocks to chase a big-ass Mafuti? Yah, sure. Why did the 911 call 'reportedly' say he fell in. Fisherman drowns off Coral Ocean Point (Marianas Variety) and Fisherman drowns near COP cliff line (Saipan Tribune).

Were the reporters quoting the witnesses, or quoting the police spokesperson reading what the police report said? Who were the witnesses? Were there witnesses to the witnesses? Does that make the reporting third-hand or third-rate?