Thursday, November 6, 2008

Interests in Iran

President George Bush is thinking about opening an Interests Section in Iran, according to Newsweek. I like it.

Like Richard Nixon going to China, Bush can shrug off the "soft on" label. Barack Obama doesn't need that kind of controversy in his first 100 days, especially after John McCain's unmerciful attacks on his willingness to "sit down" with Iran.

Bush appears to be relying less on his neo-conservative wing (the Dick Cheney fans) as his duck gets lamer. Michael Rubin, one voice from that direction, argues that Iran's hardliners would take advantage of such a move politically. Exactly. Let Bush get the flak from Iran's hardliners too.

An interests section doesn't suggest approval, or even friendliness. We've had an interests section in Havana for years. It just makes it easier for countries to communicate.

Iran already has an interests section in the U.S., in the Pakistani Embassy.

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